
Apple Now World’s Top Smartphone Vendor, Has More Cash than U.S. Government

You should feel good about being part of today's Apple: The company was proclaimed in the smartphone world leading seller of Strategy Analytics, and its cash reserves are now larger than the U.S. government's balance sheet. Apple is now the largest global provider of smartphones in volume with 18 percent market share, according to the report by Strategy Analytics. Nokia is currently third with 15%, behind Samsung, which grew an astonishing 520% ​​year to take a 17% share of global smartphone market.

Also, with a balance of $ 75.9 billion, Apple is obviously doing very well in the "fit" of the department, but it sounds even better when you hear the U.S. Treasury Department say the government now has a total operating income of $ 73.8 billion.

Also, with a balance of $ 75.9 billion, Apple is obviously doing very well in the "fit" of the department, but it sounds even better when you hear the U.S. Treasury Department say the government now has a total operating income of $ 73.8 billion.

IE Users Have Lower IQ Than Users of Other Web Browsers

A recent study of intelligence links test results with the use of browsers - and the results are not very good for users of Internet Explorer from Microsoft, especially in its earlier versions.
The study, entitled "Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and use the browser" by the Canadian company AptiQuant, compiled results of IQ tests to 101,326 people over the age of 16 years and divided into groups based on the browser you use .

The results are fascinating. Users of Internet Explorer 6 has an average IQ of just over 80, users of Firefox and Chrome is much better, with average IQ scores of about 110, while users of Opera and Camino have an IQ average of over 120. It is also interesting to note that the average IQ scores of IE6 users were significantly higher in 2006, and IQ scores improve with new versions of IE.

Internet Explorer 6 has long been a thorn in the side of developers who hated him for not complying with Web standards, as users struggled with security flaws, many. This new study is likely to persuade more fun of the old (but sometimes found on older computers) and a service to its users, but you may not tell us much about the browser - it is unwilling to upgrade to a new version of software.

The study concludes that "individuals at the bottom of the IQ scale tend to resist change / update your browser. "It makes sense that users with higher IQs are more likely to experience, choose a different software version or variant (notice that IE users with a chrome frame score high on IQ tests) or listen to upgrade suggestions and safety tips.

In March, Microsoft began a campaign to get users to stop using Internet Explorer 6. But do take into account the fact that many IE6 users tend to have lower average IQ? Perhaps that is the key to finally get rid of web browser in the world's most hated.

"People at the bottom of the IQ scale tend to resist change / update your browser. ... Now we have a statistical model in the continuous use of incompatible browsers, the better you can take steps to eradicate this nuisance, "the study concludes.

Google launches search tool hotel room price data

Hotel Finder Google has launched an experimental search tool, which allows the user to define the key housing preferences in the hope of finding the perfect hotel for your travel needs.
Users input their preferred location, dates, prices and details, and the Finder hotel offers their key recommendations in a list or on a Google Map. At the moment only available in the U.S.

This is how Google aims to improve the hotel with this hunting tool:

Find the perfect place. If you're not local, can be difficult to determine in which area of ​​a city must remain inside the hotel search highlights the popular areas of the map results. Google calls this the "tourist center" and is used to determine an optimal zone for you to stay in shape in this area can be adjusted to focus on a smaller area. This is useful if you have a difficult destination in mind, such as along the Hudson River or near Times Square.
Doing good business: Users can choose a price range to search within, and compare the historical price data of the hotel on the current trading price. Clicking on one will cost hotel room at night and how it compares to the previous prices. Google calculates what percentage of the cost is above or below normal. Bargain hunters, start your engines.
Comparing hotels: Hotel Finder simplifies comparative shopping. When users click on a hotel, all the details of your pop-up, including photos, comments, Google Sites, prices and other information. Quickly flip through the results by using keyboard shortcuts ("J" and "K") within the list view - a feature also found in Google Reader and Google News.
Make a list: Users can create a list of hotels that would like to compare more. These results are marked with a red dot in the view Google Maps, and appear at the top of the page in the list view.
Click the "BOOK" button in any view and a list of external options are displayed. Clicking a backup option that stops at the site - such as Priceline or Expedia - in a new tab.

Twitter to Add Parental Controls to Tweet Links

Twitter has added a flag so the tweets links as "potentially significant". The company announced on Thursday that a new field in the Twitter API to display streaming whenever a tweet containing a link, giving users the option of Twitter warned before you click links that might be too sensitive to the workplace, or for tender ears and eyes. The new feature does not work yet, but the developers of Twitter is reported to be newly added and is now being tested. According to Twitter representative of Taylor Singletary, "In the future, we will have a family of API methods and additional fields for handling 'adjustments media" end user and the possible sensitive content. "

According to Gizmodo, Twitter representatives say the company does not intend to censor material. However, according to the policy document of the media of Twitter, the company will "remove the media that may be considered sensitive such as nudity, violence or medical procedures."

In the ad, Singletary encouraged those who were curious about how this capability will ultimately be used to read the policy document means.

For us, this seems to be a feature for a long time, giving users the ability to control the content that they or their children are exposed, allowing them to use Twitter without fear of an unpleasant surprise when you click a inappropriate link.

Google+ Traffic Falls

After a slow start, the growth of Google + 's can be slowed down a bit. A report by Experian Hitwise found both traffic and average user time on social networking fell last week in the U.S. Total visits to Google + was reduced by 3% to 1.79 million in the U.S. for the week ended July 23 compared with the last seven days, according to research firm. The site received 1.86 million visits last week. Average time on site was 10%, 5 minutes, 50 seconds and 5 minutes, 15 seconds.

Matt Tatham, a representative of Experian Hitwise, was careful not to overstate the results. "This is a great fall," he says. The company extrapolates its figures from data provider of the Internet and an opt-in panel of around 2.5 million users.

The report comes after the Google traffic + 's enjoyed a steady climb since its debut June 28. Last week, comScore reported that the network reaches 20 million unique visitors. Some were so enamored with Google + that closed their Facebook accounts and moved all its activities to the new network.

Free 100 GB Cloud Storage

Symform, a business-oriented provider once cloud storage, announced today that it is offering consumers in general, 100 GB of online storage for free. Given the fact that most other online storage services offer only 2 GB or 3 GB for free, this seems a good deal.
However, as there is no such thing as a free lunch, this huge amount of online storage comes with a trap, possibly even larger. In order to get the "free" online storage, you must contribute 150GB of local storage on a device that is always in a home network connected to broadband.

Symform This is because, as he claims, is the first company to break with the traditional data storage center of the cloud. Instead, use a technology called RAID-96 for geographically distributed, encrypt and store your data.
In simple terms, this means that the stored data through the service Symform divides and replicates in 96 pieces that are distributed in 96 different teams over the Internet. In addition to providing redundancy, the company says this allows uploads and downloads up to 50 times faster than is obtained with a centralized data center. Symform According to the data stored in distributed teams is encrypted and therefore can not be accessed by local users, but only those with authorization.
The idea of ​​local trade storage online storage is not new and has been offered by Wuala long. While this is good, definitely not free. Especially when you have to trade local storage 150GB for only 100 GB of online storage. On top of giving local storage, users will also have to offer in terms of equipment, electricity and broadband connection, which may come with a monthly data cap.

Internetaddiction - Persons deprived of the internet feel "uncomfortable and lonely" and find online by going as hard as quitting smoking or drinking

Most people feel uncomfortable and only when they are deprived of access to the Internet, according to consumer research. A new study has revealed that 53 percent are bothered when they are denied access and 40 percent are lonely, if they can not go online. The research found that people experience these feelings, even if denied access online for a short time. Most people feel "lonely and upset" when deprived of the internet
The study was carried out by Intersperience consumer research firm, which surveyed more than 1,000 people.

Participants were questioned about their attitudes toward the use of the Internet, smartphones and other devices, and even asked to go 24 hours without access to Internet technology.
Giving up all the technology that enables Web access was described by some participants as similar to stop drinking or smoking.

One respondent said that even deprivation of the Internet was "like having your hand cut off.
Paul Hudson, chief executive of Intersperience told the Daily Telegraph: "Online technology and digital is increasingly widespread, influencing our friendship, the way we communicate, the fabric of our family life, our work lives, our habits of purchase, and with organizations.
Earlier this year, scientists revealed that the gadgets are an important part of our lives that suffer withdrawal symptoms like a drug addict who can not get a solution.
Researchers at the University of Maryland convinced hundreds of students from 12 schools around the world agree not to use technological devices such as television and radio for 24 hours.
The volunteers had to stay away from all the emails, text messages, updates on Facebook and Twitter. They were deprived of even the newspapers.
All they could have access to a landline and books. Next, the students kept diaries of their feelings during their period of "deprivation of information."
The scientists reported that volunteers were told of physical and physiological symptoms similar to those addicts trying to quit smoking or drugs.
These included feel restless, anxiety and isolation, and reaching your mobile phone, which was not there.
Some participants in the experiment - called Unplugged - said they felt as if they had been subjected to "Cold Turkey" to break a habit of hard drugs, while others said they felt like being on a diet.

Angry Birds Maker Sued for Patent Violation

Rovio, maker of the hit game platform angry birds, is being sued by U.S. company for Lodsys violations of patents, reports Telegraph. Lodsys states that the Finnish company violated its patents covering methods for the purchase of new levels within the game Angry Birds. The European patent system requires that software inventions have some physical effect of patentability, while the U.S. patent system is looser, allowing software patents only based on the idea.

According to the Telegraph, a number of European games developers have given up their games to launch in the U.S., and some are considering withdrawing the games market in the U.S. because the claims of the patent Lodsys.

Angry Birds is downloaded more than 1 million times per day. Originally a mobile game, which quickly spread to many platforms, including browsers and consoles, and its success has led to even consider Rovio an initial public offering.

Mozilla building mobile OS

Mozilla today released preliminary plans to take the Gecko engine that powers the Firefox browser and turn it into an open-source operating system that will eventually work the phones and tablets. Called Boot Gecko is known that the source code is released to the public "in real time," wrote Andreas Gal, a researcher at Mozilla. Gecko is the rendering engine that powers Firefox and Thunderbird email client. By contrast, while Google's Android operating system open source mobile, the main development work that may not be available until after Google has a green light for publication - sometimes not until months later.

"We will do this work outdoors, will be released the source in real time, we will take all additions successfully to a group of appropriate standards, and will track the changes arising from that process. We're not trying to have these quality native applications only run on Firefox, we are trying to run on the Web, "Gal said in a message in the forum. Mike Shaver, Mozilla vice president of technical strategy, said Start the Gecko applications will not use the Android SDK, but run new and existing web applications API
We also identified four areas of development. One is a new Web API, which means the construction of "prototype device API exposure and the ability to use the content." This is how the current operating system that supports key features such as mobile phones, SMS, camera, USB, Bluetooth, and near-field records. A second area of ​​development is to build a privilege model, which is a key feature of security to ensure that new features are "exposed to security pages and applications," he said.
Boot Gecko include a low-level code for Android kernel and driver support for devices that can work on Android. This does not exist, and the move to a new system could be extremely difficult. Then there is the final area of ​​development - the applications. The idea behind starting Gecko is to create a Web native applications can run as well as native applications to do at the IOS device.

Google Docs hits maximum file size of 10 GB

Google Docs users can now load and work with files and documents up to 10 gigabytes.
In a post on Google + as of yesterday, Google product manager Scott Johnston announced the latest enhancement to increase the maximum file size of 1 GB Google Docs before.
However, the file size increase will mainly benefit users with paid accounts.
People who use Google Docs for free are still limited to 1 GB of total storage space for uploaded files, but documents created directly in line do not count towards the quota. But users with paid accounts ranging from $ 5 per year for 20 GB to $ 4,096 a year for 16 terabytes can find the new file size to upload images by hand, videos and other files safe.

In other news on the front of Google Docs, users can now download PowerPoint and convert PPTX files (the format used by PowerPoint 2007 and 2010). The company offers a support page that explains how to convert various file types from Microsoft Office to Google Docs).
Google users can now access the spreadsheet by hand a list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl /. Using the keys can sometimes make it easier to navigate from one section or one sheet to another.
And finally, Google Viewer now supports ZIP and RAR. Upload any file type allows you to see a list of archive contents without having to download and unzip the first. Google will even let you view certain files within the ZIP or RAR. For example, I uploaded a ZIP file containing Word documents, and Google Docs viewer was able to show each document in the proper format.

Gmail Now Lets You Make Multiple Calls at the Same Time

Remember the old multi-line phones with all the buttons at the bottom? That gave him access to more than one line at a time, a feature already available in Google's Gmail.
According to the official Gmail blog, this new multi-call capability will allow you to put calls on hold with phone service Gmail, picking up another call at the same time. Too bad there's no music on hold to entertain the caller first.

They also imitate the conventional telephone call waiting, which is notified of an incoming call, and then it's up to you whether to answer or not. The only limitation of this new capability is that only allows outgoing calls to mobile two physicists at the same time.

Best of all, USAand Canada phone calls using Gmail and the video system will be free until 2011, and all these new features in several lines of work with Gmail phone calls, voice and video.

7 Things Facebook Should Do To Increase Security

For most people, Facebook has to keep in touch with friends and family in a whole new way. But security researchers like myself that has led to seven years of new challenges for the security industry. The main problem with social networking and security is that social networks are also social, and when the human mind is involved, the vulnerability can be exploited. I'm talking about human vulnerabilities, those against whom it is difficult to defend.

Because of this, I think Facebook needs to improve the security and privacy features in place so that problems do not grow out of control. With the help of my colleagues, here are seven key recommendations will think that Facebook a safer place:

1. Full HTTPS Meet navigation

Thus, any user can ensure that no one is intruding on their conversations, even if they are browsing Facebook via an Internet connection are trusted. In addition, these tools provide Firesheep attack as completely useless.

2. Implement two-factor authentication

The banks are offering e-tokens to its customers securely access their bank accounts online, but in a world where social networking sites are increasingly important in what we do online, users must also have the same technology to protect their Facebook accounts.

3. Make it clear that Facebook applications are trusted

Malicious Facebook applications are being analyzed and reported by researchers on a daily basis. Facebook needs to do a full security review and approve all requests to ensure that no malicious application makes its way into the profile of a user.

4. Tighten the "recommended" Privacy Controls

At present, it is recommended privacy settings on Facebook easily allow an attacker to become the friend of a friend of a target, and therefore to access the data needed to reset a password of email account, or misuse of personal information. Why Facebook will allow "all" to access state, photos, messages, appointments, bio, favorite and family relationships by default?

5. It allows permanent removal of accounts Facebook

Permanently deleting a Facebook account to ... permanently delete the account. Respect the user's desire to completely erase your presence on Facebook, without worrying that some materials are left available on the Internet, and make permanent account deletion of a simple process that does not require a special request to the customer Facebook.

6. Engage with parental controls

Allow parents to establish accounts with limited access to their children as sub-accounts under his own presence on Facebook. The limited sub-accounts may automatically become full access accounts, once children reach the age of consent.

7. Better educate users

I appreciate Facebook's commitment to educate users about security and privacy in social networks, including the initiative to create pages dedicated to these issues (security of Facebook, Facebook Facebook Privacy and Security). However, no matter what type of protection around Facebook users, privacy features will be useless if the users lack of awareness.

Contact Form Desigs

If you create a contact form, or fits in well with your current design - or emphasized with much creativity, you will get some extra points from their visitors.

Here is a sampling of some of the best ways of designing contact forms

5 Ways Journalists Are Using Google+

Social networking has proven to be the delivery platforms of amazing real-time news and continue to fascinate journalists and communication tools. No wonder professionals in many media have quickly jumped to Cart: Google to explore their potential for journalism.

Some are updating personal accounts, while others have created profiles in their organizations. They are in the way of experimentation, evidence of content are most beneficial for messaging and engage with their audiences.

Google + has not yet been defined. For the news industry, which will become early adopters of the field make it. Here are some ways we have seen media professionals who use the platform and what it might mean for the future + Google journalism.

Speaking of Google +

No wonder that Google users want to talk about Google + + - and journalists are no exception. Many have been posting tips and tricks for using the platform as a way to get a more accurate count circle and ways to bring their Facebook flow in G + current.

Even the conversations on Twitter and Facebook seem to lead back to Google +. For example, Matthew Ingram GigaOm started a discussion about the ads hit Twitter. While some of the responses was the subject, many began to talk about whether users would go to G + Twitter or Google could start to include advertisements in the streams.

As journalists continue to join the platform, discussion and collaboration on Google + as a communication tool will shape the way you used to create and distribute news content.

Meeting places of public accommodation

Sarah Hill, KOMU anchor for a TV in Columbia, Missouri, has been inviting fans + Google to join her in meeting places, service video chat network. KOMU hosts a meeting place for the 5 pmnoticiero to give viewers a behind the racks, which can be seen in the newsroom. Then, interviews people in the meeting place in the air about their reactions to news of the day.

"Video G + 's chat feature is becoming KOMU own version of a satellite window," said Hill. "It's free. Video and audio are able to air quality - not loaded with teams from nine different places to get 9 different opinions. Just 9 to invite viewers to your Hangout and the news comes to you."

A talk brought people from Pakistan, New Zealand, Orlando, New York, Los Angeles, Missouri, Iowa and England. Venue of the participants were overwhelmed by the capacity of the hill to multitask.

"It was pretty amazing. There Sarah live TV broadcasting with a headset listening to the people we in G +, and the other people in the television station, she is probably reading a teleprompter well," wrote Christopher Scott, a viewer from New Zealand who joined in. "Even welcomes new people to the venue and talk to them as if you were at home enjoying a drink with friends. impressed me seriously."

Only 10 people allowed in a meeting, so that the points fill up quickly and some commentators are annoyed when they lose. However, Hill's experiment illustrates the extent of the community of Google +.

"It's like we the viewers around the world in a video speed dial," he said.

Meeting places can be a great way for journalists to get public reactions to the news in real time or find story ideas Hangout asking participants what is important in their communities.

Readers participation

Although Google had the marks of the platform is not prepared for them, however, media organizations have jumped on board quickly. Like many early adopters in the world of journalism, CBC Canada's most important source of news was the publication of links to stories with messages requesting comments from readers. Truly test the waters of commitment to a contest title. The contest was also posted on Facebook, Twitter and the CBC website.

"We have noticed there is a bit of a competition to be witty now Google +," said Kim Fox, senior producer of media and social community in the CBC. "We think that our daily caption challenge would play into that, and does, beating other platforms."

Fox said he has seen the intelligent dialogue and a greater level of commitment to the Google Content +. She and her team plan to avoid duplicating your Facebook and Twitter messages and find out what works for Google + community specifically.

With a natural enthusiasm for the commitment and intelligent conversation, Google + could become a place for journalists to generate solid feedback from their audiences. Journalists is important to understand the full potential of the platform. From there, they can optimize their features to create a social dialogue about news content.

Analyze news coverage

Google + is to encourage rich conversation about journalism. It is cultivating a community of thought leaders who depend on each other for feedback on their views on the news and events in the media industry.

When Twitter commentary news, a journalist is limited to 140 characters. Unless the discussion is a hashtag, it is difficult to see the extent of the conversation as respondents may not be following all involved. With Facebook, talks on the profiles of staff journalists do not take off because many do not friend contacts. Even if the journalist has a public page, discussions are its competitors, with updates from the friends of their fans and other pages, because the algorithm news. + Google brings back the talks at the top of a stream, when new comments. Although Facebook has a number of self-organized groups of journalists, professional networking group and share more intuitive Google +.

+ Google also seems to inspire greater commitment messages to the Facebook. For example, Mashable began discussions on both platforms on a study that says 34% of iPhone users who have 4G. The messages were posted in the same age and had similar indications, which raises questions about the study results. In Facebook, 57 likes and 40 comments, while the post had 183 + +1' s 116 and Google's comments. Of course this is only one message to many, but still very revealing.

Despite arguments from news and news analysis is nothing new for journalists, Google + seems to be a natural platform for these conversations.

Showing personality

The focus of the media industry in journalistic objectivity makes journalists more likely to withhold their opinions, beliefs and other details about your lifestyle. However, Google + is about people and has become a place where journalists can let their personalities shine.

LinkedIn Revamps Profiles for Students

Enter the world of work with a degree and a smile can be a daunting task for many students, so it has added new sections LinkedIn profile specifically for students.

Now, inmates future can add a variety of achievements to your profile, letting potential employers know they have more experience and expertise, "worked as a historical re-enactor."

New profile sections are: projects, honors and awards, organizations, test scores and courses. Students can add these sections go to their profile in edit mode and clicking the "Add Sections" bar.

Just remember to update your profile a couple of years down the line, children. Nobody needs to know who wore that human sexuality in the end, when you're what John Mayer calls "the real world."

Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy named newborn Bing

Poor newborn Bing. Little does he know - celebrity parents Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy is probably not the wisest - which now commands the same name as the search engine third most popular in the U.S. Bingham "Bing" Hawn Bellamy, born 7 pounds, 12 ounces on 9 July, "was released after 4.5 hours of intense pushing," proud papa Twitter Bellamy Thursday.

Bellamy also revealed the real reason the couple gave the common name of his newborn son. "For those wondering, Bingham is the maiden name of my mother and father Bing Russell Kurt. Connections for the whole family!" He wrote.

Connecting the family or not, little Bing may suffer years of mockery in his teens to Microsoft's search market share gains Bing engine enough to get into the general consciousness.

But at least Bing will not be alone - perhaps going to make friends with Facebook Like, and Google.

Spotify finally to launch in US

Do not look now, but the Spotify music service will be available to U.S. residents from Thursday 14 July. The company announced its ... expected the announcement Wednesday, saying it would provide more details on its U.S. offer at 8 am EDT Thursday. The company is currently accepting requests for invitations on their website.

Spotify streaming music subscription service and has been popular among many of our friends in Europe since its launch in late 2008 and has been targeted for a launch in the U.S. for almost all the time. (The sister site Wired spoke highly of Spotify in 2009, described as "a magical version of iTunes which has already bought all the songs in the world.")

The robbery at the U.S. launch was apparently due to licensing issues with record labels, most of the news cycle related Spotify in recent months has been made of the rumors about Spotify sign agreements with the label or another. Even in Europe, Spotify has clashed a bit with the labels, which led the company to cut some free music offerings due to alleged pressure from the music industry.

Now the day has finally arrived or will arrive tomorrow, that is, those in the U.S. to find out why people in Europe seem to love Spotify much. Because Spotify chose not actually announce details when sending their public relations e-mails, however, no further information available yet on what may or may not be included in the service. This is what is currently available in the UK, however, three levels of Spotify is unlimited and free and premium muisc. Freedom of level allows you to stream music 10 hours per month with the announcements and play music unlimited local, while the level of the unlimited offers unlimited ad-free streams, and the premium level offers all that way, more in line and access from your mobile phone. We can only assume that the service structure is the same for U.S. customersBut we have to wait until tomorrow morning to find out.

Twitter for Android

Today twitter launched the latest version of Twitter for Android. It includes some of the most requested features from twitter users. First, twitter now offer push notifications. Allows you to receive push notifications Twitter updates instantly - no matter what you're doing in your phone. In setting up your account, select "automatic update" and choose to receive updates direct messages, @ references (people who follow or anyone), and tweets.

Now you can also use multiple accounts on Twitter for Android without having to leave the session. It's easy to go from one account to discover and share what's happening in the world. In addition, we have updated the look of the home screen widgets and added a bunch of other improvements and bug fixes.

You can download this updated version of Twitter for Android Android Market now.

Evernote Releases App for Android Tablets

Social note taking home Evernote is the addition of other mobile applications to its arsenal. The commissioning for tablets Evernote has released Android, a free application available on Android Market. Evernote for Android tablet provides the same functionality of note taking - such as audio recording and consider the social distribution - its other applications, but does so with a new interface to Evernote emphasizing visual note navigation.

With the new interface, notes appear on the home screen in a view fragments. Tablet Android App Users can use the left sidebar to scroll through the books, labels and share portable display options.

The implementation also allows application users to create and edit rich text notes. The highly requested feature is now available to all users of Android - not just owners Pill - which shows the bar for new text editing and formatting options on the keyboard.

Not a second, larger flash Android Evernote now accessible from the home screen. "In addition to allowing you to jump to the basic features Evernote, you now see fragments of his notes recently visited. This means you no longer need to launch Evernote to find a recent note, tap the note on the widget" Evernote VP marketing Andrew Sinkov says.

Android Evernote tablet appears to be a slick re-skin experience Evernote. The cool interface design represents the direction of the launch will take all future versions of the application of tablets.

One Million Registered Twitter Apps

Application developers have a key role in helping people get the most out of Twitter. As an ecosystem that has just crossed one million registered applications built by more than 750,000 developers worldwide. This represents an increase of 150,000 applications a year ago. A new application has registered every 1.5 seconds, pushing up the growth of the ecosystem in the areas of analysis, conservation and editor tools. Investors and companies are taking note. Since December 2010, more than $ 500 million has been invested in companies in the ecosystem, and more than one billion dollars has been paid in acquisitions. This level of investment is indicative of the opportunity for developers and entrepreneurs to create successful businesses as part of the Twitter platform.

Applications help understand and make the most of Twitter, whether they are on the web, mobile, and even watch television. A few examples:

• Mass Relevance combed through more than 160,000 Tweets to take first White House City Hall Twitter to life, but the curators of content in real time and display.
• Trendrr evaluated the feeling of tweets about sci-fi thriller Super8 film to measure the blockbuster $ 38 million opening weekend.
• Datasift just announced $ 6 million in new funding today for the work they do to hose Twitter accessible to any developer.
• created an iPhone Poptweets addictive trivia game that challenges players to match Tweets with famous people who told them.
• Radian6 became instruments of supervision of the mark in a thriving business and was recently acquired by Salesforce for $ 326 million.

Twitter entire team is committed to investing in the ecosystem, listening to developers and allowing them the tools and information. Today we are introducing a new Twitter site for developers, where anyone in the ecosystem can start building with Twitter, connect directly with the Twitter team members to exchange ideas with other developers and find all the resources they need to create your own product or business.

Free Tools To Validate HTML, CSS & RSS Feeds

HTML and CSS pretty well structured and can be easily achieved by using HTML and CSS validation tools. You will agree that sometimes you can meet unknown errors or other problems during testing of their profit margin and the following validation tools easily solve any problem that may occur. We have compiled a list of popular free validation tools (which is a mix of services in line with some great plugins for Firefox). These great tools will help ensure that your visitors are experiencing everything on your website the right way and have nothing to worry about.

Validation Tools

Of course I have used these tools Legendary W3C presented below. All web developers start the process of verification test your HTML and CSS with the help of these excellent services. We also added several similar services, which provide advanced validation of HTML, CSS and even RSS feeds. Most of these instruments must be easy to use interface with a simple production.

1. W3C HTML Validator

2. W3C CSS Validator

3. Feed Validator

4. Validome

5. Feed Validator Weblogs

Firefox Plugins

The second part of our list contains only the Firefox plugins that offer similar services to validate the first five above. You should consider as great as Firebug plugins known and Web developers. Both offer a wide range of tests and treatment options that are seasoned with an excellent interface and a flawless performance. Other plugins can be used only for certain specific purposes, such as validation of HTML, for example, but I guess that makes them easier to use.

1. Web Developer

2. Firebug

3. CSS Validator

4. HTML Validator

5. RSS Validation

Zynga Turns Its Privacy Policy into a Game

Zynga, the creators of hit games such as Farmville and CityVille has used his talent to create a social gaming gamified version of its privacy policies.
PrivacyVille is the giant of the game is to have the privacy policy boring. It's essentially a tutorial step by step through the most important aspects of the privacy policy of the company, with his helmet brand and character designs. "PrivacyVille modeled after our most popular sport, CityVille and offers a brief tutorial that covers important areas of our privacy policy and helpful resources on control of your online information," the company said on its blog.

PrivacyVille passes through elements such as how Zynga email is responsible for the policies of the company's mobile and security measures needed to protect the user fees. The reading of each section increases the user's progress through to completion PrivacyVille the tutorial. Once completed, the user is asked to five (very easy) questions to confirm that he or she went through the tutorial.

One of the most interesting aspects is that it connects PrivacyVille to RewardVille, the program of the company's virtual currency. Users who complete the tutorial to get points Zynga PrivacyVille (zPoints), which can become a virtual currency or rewards.

It is a further step to a company on a roll. Last week, Zynga filed an initial public offering $ 1 billion that could value the company north of $ 20 billion. While the company's user base has grown, their income is booming.

Facebook Hits 750 Million Users

Facebook has officially beaten the 750 million users, says Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook CEO down that statistic a Facebook event for which is expected to announce a platform Skype video chat engine.

Zuckerberg said that Facebook does not disclose these statistics separately, because the team does not think the public is important to have more.

MySpace Released Skype-Powered Calls … In 2007

MySpace will offer members of its popular Internet telephone calls social networking with a new feature based on eBay Inc. 's Skype service, the company announced Tuesday.
Users with a Skype account can click a button on your MySpace profile to call the computer or telephone of another member, so they could reach people in your network, even when not online. The service will be available in 20 countries from November.

MySpace, the largest social networking site with 110 million members, will share revenue from the agreement with Skype, which allows customers to make long distance calls using their computers. Skype, the Luxembourg-based division of eBay, has 220 million registered users.
Standard PC to PC calls are free, but users must pay for "premium" options, such as your own personal phone number, voicemail, call forwarding and the ability to make calls from a PC to phones Fixed phones.
The executives did not disclose other financial terms of the agreement, which comes as both companies strive to expand membership amid growing competition.
One of the biggest rival MySpace is fast-growing, which has more than 47 million active users - including at least 200,000 new registrations per day since January.
On Wednesday, San Jose-based eBay is expected to report to take an impairment charge of $ 900 million for Skype - an acknowledgment that the e-commerce leader drastically overvalued the acquisition for $ 2.6 billion, completed in October 2005.

Google + and Facebook

The circles are much more nuanced than the technology of transmission of all or nothing I'm used to Facebook and Twitter. But unless Google figures a way to fix a particular defect, the circles does not solve a problem I've had for years: the tension between the use of personal and professional social networks.

Here, in a nutshell: I want to offer public comments on the world of technology through Google +, but I do not want my incessant techno-talk to friends and family block + Google streams.
The limits of social networks
How do you keep separate the different facets of his life in social networks?
Separately. I do not want co-workers know about my children, my parents know my friends and my fans to know about my dental appointment.
It's a fuzzy line. Work, school and home are part of life, but I'm not saying everything everyone.
None. I am a person, not a split personality - if you do not like the package, do not follow me.
VOTEView results

It was for this reason that last year I unplugged my Twitter and Facebook this year to my Facebook page freelancer.
I'm willing to cut Google, Twitter, and all other online service with a little slack here. It's really hard to create a product that can handle the dual roles of different people. Most of us have gotten used to having separate house and operation of e-mail addresses, for example. Facebook provides an ability to execute people linked personally and professionally.
I was hoping that Google, which boasts explicit about the ability of Google + 's handling of social networks, with both his boss and his family have handled the situation better. So far I think has the best start, at least in the circles.
The circles I specify a specific audience to receive a message, which is ideal for a note to coworkers, friends, or people who live nearby. But my direct messages - about my weekend trip in the family, for example - are very different from my public messages about topics such as Web browsers.
The only sensible way to manage work-related messages is to expose publicly. I want people to read them, after all, and certainly do not have time to manage an ever-expanding circle of people who presumably would be interested.
If they are public messages, however, that would carry my family and friends with the controversial security WebGL when all they wanted was to hear of the adventure with the drunken hooligan in Dover.
I do not pretend that my needs + Google represent the way most people use the service. But I do think there are many in my place - someone with a business to promote, for example, if it is a wedding photographer or freelance programmer or high profile technology executive.

Get Your Own Google+ Vanity URL

Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Google + does not offer vanity URLs for user profiles, making it more difficult to share your profile + Google with your friends. Instead, Google uses a long string of numbers to designate the users (for example, 12345678987654321).

The reason for not using Google + vanity URLs because the spammers could lead to find the email addresses of millions of Google users + (as many accounts linked to Google's Gmail account).

Of course, this leads to a problem: you do not want to tell people to write in a long string of numbers to find your profile + Google. That's where comes in. This small simple application lets you create a short URL for Google + page, making it easy to share with your friends. Mine, for example, is Gplus. to / benparr, which is much easier to remember than a strong random numbers. fills a gap that Google + not currently addressed.

Public profiles

The aim of the profiles of Google is to allow you to manage your identity online. Today, almost all Google profiles are public. Google believe that using Google profiles to help people find and connect with you online is the way the product is best used. Do not allow private profiles, so Google decided to require all profiles to be public.

Note that your full name and gender are the only information required to be displayed in your profile, you can edit or delete any other information you do not want to share.

If you currently have a private profile, but do not want to publish your profile, you can delete your profile. Or simply can not do anything. All private profiles will be deleted after July 31, 2011.

Twitter Now Valued at $7 Billion

Rating Twitter has doubled in the past seven months, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. The newspaper says that Twitter is busy raising hundreds of millions of dollars, with a valuation of $ 7 billion. In December, the same company was valued at just $ 3.7 billion in a round of $ 200 million of funding led by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

Why the increase in valuation? Twitter, once a site without much of a business plan, is now a staple of social media with an increasing number of revenue sources.

Twitter tweets promoted and presented the trends of last year, which was the company's first notable source of income. Recently, eMarketer predicts that Twitter could triple advertising revenue of $ 150 million in 2011. Last month we learned that plans to introduce the tweets Twitter promoted in terms of users by the fall.

In October, it announced it would develop a tool for self-service, which would also allow small businesses to enter the game of advertising on Twitter.

Like their peers in the social world - like LinkedIn - going public, Twitter is, instead focusing on strengthening its executive team and build a strong advertising business.

The next platform will work a bit like Google AdWords to Twitter. If the report is accurate WSJ (the role of sites an anonymous "person familiar with the subject"), it seems that investors believe that the platform has more in common with Google's products - the potential revenue.

Twitter Town Hall

Tomorrow at 14:00 ET, the White House will have its first city hall Twitter, and U.S. President Barack Obama respond to questions from Twitter users on the U.S. economy - live Twitter can be found in real-time conversations and information on every topic imaginable from around the world, including a robust debate on the economy. In fact, a study announced today by 's Radian6 found that financial security is one of the most frequent topics of political conversation on Twitter. City Hall tomorrow is a White House invitation for anyone on Twitter to participate in an open exchange on national and global economic problems facing the United States.

Questions addressed at the Town Hall will be selected both up front and in real time during the event. To reduce the list of popular questions relevant to ask in the name of the users of Twitter, we are doing the following:

• We have partnered with overall importance of conservation, display and integrate the talks for the event.
• Search algorithms Twitter tweets After identifying who are most committed to the environment retweets, favorites, and their answers.
• A team of experienced users discuss Twitter experience will help the economy to questions from the flag of their communities through retweets.

To make your voice heard, tweet your questions about the economy and be sure to include hashtag # AskObama. You can follow the conversation in three ways: Watch the event live on http / / follow live Tweets from @ City Hall, or search the hashtag # AskObama.

Twitter Begins Allowing Direct Messages With Verified Accounts

The coming and going between the representatives of the brand who manage accounts on Twitter and people trying to communicate with those marks could become a little less complicated. It seems that it is not checked Twitter accounts must follow new Twitter users who want to send direct messages.

The Next Web reports that Twitter is more moderate on the need to continue to users with a verified account, you will not follow a user who wants their message, have a direct and unfollow later after the communication is over.

This makes perfect sense to us. Consumers increasingly to Twitter to communicate with representatives of the attendance mark - for example, trying to rebook a flight after a snowstorm. @ But the process of messaging, then request a DM and let forward is unnecessarily complicated for the accounts that are designed to handle customer service issues.

Microsoft signs search pact with China's Baidu

Google has left the market the Chinese market for online search, but two of its major rivals, Microsoft and Baidu, have signed a cooperation pact in the populous country.
Specifically, Microsoft will provide search results for English-language queries in the Chinese search engine, according to representatives from both companies who spoke to The New York Times and Dow Jones today.

"More people here are looking for English terms ... but Baidu has not done a good job. So here's a way to do it," Baidu said a representative of the Times.
Baidu is the leading search engine in China, with Google in second place. Microsoft, which acquired the assets of Yahoo search, is working hard to gain influence search. Search has been economically powerful for Google, which sells ads based on search terms people.
Search these associations are not unknown in the industry. Ask Jeeves uses results from Google, Yahoo and Microsoft uses search results Bing. Usually, the provider of the search term receives a share of advertising revenues derived.
Google China, withdrew its Web site after raising specific concerns about censorship and other issues a year and a half ago.
Microsoft did not adopt the position of Google, to maintain a policy that was established years ago. "I certainly think it's better for us to be present throughout the world, not instead of," said Microsoft, Brad Smith, after a 2006 incident in which Microsoft was criticized for censorship.

GoDaddy sold to Silver Lake, KKR, and TCV

Even the laziest bum can look busy in a hurry with this adaptation of many of the interactive features of Facebook. Just go to click "Gimme Dem spreadsheets", enter your Facebook credentials, and there's your Facebook news feed, everything is made to look just like an Excel spreadsheet.

Not just a static graphic, or - lets you search Facebook friends by entering a name in the formula bar, the burden of more items, see the wall of your newsfeed, or tag photos, go to see who would like a job, and is there even a head switch (space bar), immediately, everything changes in a vast sea of ​​numbers spreadsheet of all nestled within its legitimate-looking cells.

The only thing missing? Photos of full size. However, links are clickable, and you can see thumbnails when hovering over their descriptions. In addition, large photos would be a gift to the fact that, uh, not working.

Better Online Customer Support

Customer satisfaction has been the Holy Grail for retailers. Social media and has a whole new meaning to customer satisfaction. Unleash friends arrive, and friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends on an unprecedented scale. It is the word of mouth on steroids.

The social web has also made customer support a collaborative effort that provides new tools of online community that allow customers to find their own answers and help each other. While self-help forums and the community can be an integral part of the total support package, online marketers should not overlook the power of direct participation when it comes to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Here are some of the main forms of an online store may look to increase levels of satisfaction through customer service.

1. Be useful

The first tip may seem obvious, but can easily be forgotten in customer service today. It is important to realize that is available does not equal useful. It is not enough simply to have someone available to answer a live chat or telephone.

The quality of each of the interaction. Modern consumers are busy, not to mention the possibility of alternatives to choose from hundreds of other stores. Customer Representatives should be driven to help customers, answer questions and solve problems, not just focus on parameters such as waiting time and the rate of rotation.

It is also a great policy to engage proactively to customers who are in need of assistance. For example, if a person is at rest on the same page as the average payment, or a visitor still jumping through three pages of products, knowledgeable online marketers can start a conversation to help a customer when more needed.

2. Be honest

Transparency is the letter of the social web. Each customer service representative should strive to be open and honest in every conversation. If a mistake is made, the customer should feel comfortable to admit error. If the answer is not available, it is okay to say "I do not know" and create a well-defined plan of action to find the answer. It is also okay to say no, for example, a customer who has an unrealistic expectation of delivery time. More promising will only lead to disappointment, frustration and road rage.

3. Over-delivery

Customer service representatives should seek to offer more than one answer. Consider surprising your customers with a gift, free shipping upgrade, discount of privileged information, etc. A simple offering can go a long way toward solving a problem customer and repair a damaged relationship. Of course, bonus gifts not only should be reserved for dissatisfied customers. Surprising new customers and loyal to unexpected gifts and are more likely to spread the word about your great experience.

4. Being an expert

Each customer support interaction is an opportunity for a company to be an easy guide and advisor to its clients. If a customer enters a brick and mortar store, you can instantly tell the difference between knowledge and uninformed sales associate. This interaction often shapes the quality of the entire shopping experience. The same is true in virtual stores. Each person responsible for answering the phone or live chat to an online store must be updated with the latest products and services. Each service representative should serve as an essential resource for customers.

5. Keep it simple

All aspects of your website and purchase process should be built around customer needs. The least friendly place, less customer satisfaction will be. Critical information such as pricing, shipping and easy return to find. Above all, keep your website updated to reflect exactly what the customer is about to receive.

6. Offer Easy Returns

According to StellaService, a company that controls the online customer experience, companies committed to a policy of easy return has high marks from customers. In addition, a customer-friendly return policy improves the brand without necessarily leading to a greater number of returns.

Online marketers can certainly increase levels of customer satisfaction by facilitating the return process. It also offers better support pre-sale (in the form of the product pages live chat and useful) can be instrumental in reducing the need for profitability in the first place.

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