
Twitpic Founder Launches Twitter Clone

Revenge is a dish best served cloned. Twitpic founder Noah Everett Heello unveiled, its role in the copy function of Twitter. The decision comes just a day after Twitter completed deployment of its photo-sharing service - Twitpic a direct competitor.

Heello looks and acts like Twitter, in almost every way. Instead of Twitter, users send "pings" to his followers. Retweeting Instead, users "echo" other messages. And rather than follow friends "listen" to his friends. The only real difference is that updates appear in the stream of a user in real time, which is quite annoying if you want to click something on Twitter from a friend.

And if that were not enough, Heello account the integration of Twitter and Facebook, so that their messages Heello can still go to your social networks. It also includes a real-time channel of all public activity, which currently contains a number of fake accounts claiming to be the CNN, Tumblr and Mark Zuckerberg.

The clone looks more like a publicity stunt for a real company. Everett Twitter surprised with the release of a feature that would compete directly with your company, and this may be recovery. However, Everett said that Heello VentureBeat video support soon, arrivals, the integration of SMS, mobile and "Channels" feature that works as lists of Twitter.

Much as we love new social media services Mashable, we're not sure what to do with Heello. If Everett was looking for some attention, well, mission accomplished. However, the service will have a difficult time gaining ground on Twitter and its 200 million registered users, without any truly innovative features.

On the other hand, if there is a skill that business is the ability to load forward with blind optimism, even when the numbers are against him.

StumbleUpon Button Clicks Reaches 25 Billion

StumbleUpon social discovery tool has reached a new milestone, and his famous "Stumble" is clicked the button for more than 25 billion times. "Today we celebrate 25 billion clicks the Stumble It! Button," said Community Manager Monica StumbleUpon Semergiu in a tweet.

The media company has been on a roll since he left eBay in 2009. In November 2010, the social site users hit 12 million.

StumbleUpon reached 27.5 million trips in one day and last month broke his record mobile phone use during the Super Bowl this year. In April, the company faces a month 1000000000 blow.

StumbleUpon While not receiving the same kind of media attention that Facebook, Twitter, or Google Foursquare Garner +, has quietly grown into a social power of media with millions of loyal users. The result has been a solid business that will celebrate its 10th birthday in November.