
Facebook’s Big Privacy Changes

Facebook unveiled a massive wave of change in the privacy of Tuesday. Revision is one of the more privacy in the history of the company, which includes more than a dozen changes in the profiles, status updates, location and tags.
In fact, there are so many changes that easy to get confused about the changes Facebook is doing and what impact their privacy. The updates are significant enough that Facebook will make each of its 750 million users go through a tutorial on setting updated privacy.


Changes in the privacy of the main Facebook profiles are:

Greater control of the profile: Profile visibility controls now appear next to content when editing your profile. For example, if you just want to see your friends about the music you like, you can change directly from the profile editing page.
Online tips: Facebook shows a balloon, a friend or gear icon to indicate whether some of the content is public, only seen by friends or customized for a group of friends or on the list.
"View Profile How": The "profile as" feature has been moved from the Privacy Settings page in the top right corner of the user profile. This is designed to make it more accessible.
Review of the Privacy page: Reform of privacy will result in a privacy page much cleaner and easier, since most of the privacy settings are now integrated at the profile page.

Changes in the privacy of Facebook major labels are:

Reviews Tag: Facebook has implemented a system where users can approve or reject the photo tags, the state or the place before they appear on their profiles. This profile can be enabled or disabled depending on user preference.
Changes in the labeling of photos: Due to the revisions tag feature, Facebook felt comfortable allowing the user to label someone a photo, whether they are friends. This makes it easy to tag people in group photos. Users must approve these labels before they appear on the profile of a user.
Author tags in the box: It's easier to see who is labeled a status update. The left side of the box now includes an area editor for managing recordings.
Untagging new features: If a user untags a photo, you will be given the option of sending a request to the Registrar of the photo to remove it. You also have the option to block that person completely.
Status and location updates

Changes in the privacy of the major updates to share the location and condition are:

Public updates: the "all" option updates state becomes "public" for clarity.
No more lock icon: The padlock icon in the Author box has also changed. We now show the icon of the globe, a friend or team, depending on whether the update is public, for friends or custom.
Facebook integration Places: Places Facebook has integrated into the Author box. Now users can mark a location in any status update. The same applies to photos and photo albums.
No more restrictions on GPS: Now users can mark any location in a status update or a picture, regardless of whether they are really close. This makes it possible to make a photo album after you have returned home.
Mobile Changes: The icon Facebook places no longer appear in mobile applications. Instead of "close" icon will take its place. We will show that users have marked nearby.

We asked some privacy and security groups to respond to changes in the privacy of Facebook. Here are two responses:

1. Electronic Frontier Foundation:

"We've been asking Facebook for granular control over the privacy settings for some time, and we are pleased that Facebook now offers in-line controls. We also welcome the introduction of greater control over labeling.

Social networking services should ensure that users have permanent control over privacy and personal information stored on the service. For effects that users need clear user interface that allows them to make informed decisions about who sees their data and how it is used. We look forward to see how these controls work in place, to see if users understand and reduce the number of unintentional on sharing on Facebook.

It is also good to see more competition in the privacy controls between social networks. Google Entering the circles gave users more controls for online sharing, and Facebook is now online providing more granular controls. We expect this trend of competition continues.

One disappointment is that Facebook is considering the elimination of the option may not allow users to keep their friends checking in places. As we understand, there is no deadline for this control, but will be available for at least 60 days, and select the option to be protected to maintain it. Even if a user does not want or need to control now, we recommend you select the option to make sure that this control is available to them. "

2. Safety Connect:

"This is an important step forward in the privacy of Facebook users of all ages - one that all members of the Security Advisory Council liked. Giving users the opportunity to think about the level of exposure they want with each update status or photo posted encourages everyone to be a little more aware of our social media use, and that's a good thing as we all hope the social norms of social media. "

Twitter Co-Founders Want to Help Unlock Human Potential With New App

Co-founders of Twitter, Biz Stone and Evan Williams has announced his first project since leaving Twitter: an association with a lift, a new application designed to release human potential.
The project falls within the scope of the Corporation Obviously, an organization founded by Williams in the mid 2000's to support its various projects. Obvious was revived earlier this year with Biz Stone and former vice president of product Jason Goldman from Twitter co-founders.

"Our focus is threefold: Build, partners, and invest," Stone said in a blog. "We started working on some ideas of ourselves, we are investigating the best way to create an investment vehicle, and today we are very pleased to announce our first official partnership."

Their first project is a collaboration with Tony Stubblebine (CrowdVine, Odeo) and Jon Crosby (Camino, Songbird). The launch another uprising, "a new and interesting application to release the human potential through positive reinforcement." Stubblebine and Crosby are the initiators of the project, while obviously helps with the design, strategy, funding and recruitment. Instead, obvious that the equity in their own elevation.

Levante obvious and are not releasing details about the application - which is in private Alpha - but evident as the company first has to meet high expectations. Lift has a team of stars, and the support of Twitter co-founders will give you an immediate audience.

Lift may be the first boot Corporation obvious, but not the last. Williams, stone, and Goldman has just begun.