
Twitter Co-Founders Want to Help Unlock Human Potential With New App

Co-founders of Twitter, Biz Stone and Evan Williams has announced his first project since leaving Twitter: an association with a lift, a new application designed to release human potential.
The project falls within the scope of the Corporation Obviously, an organization founded by Williams in the mid 2000's to support its various projects. Obvious was revived earlier this year with Biz Stone and former vice president of product Jason Goldman from Twitter co-founders.

"Our focus is threefold: Build, partners, and invest," Stone said in a blog. "We started working on some ideas of ourselves, we are investigating the best way to create an investment vehicle, and today we are very pleased to announce our first official partnership."

Their first project is a collaboration with Tony Stubblebine (CrowdVine, Odeo) and Jon Crosby (Camino, Songbird). The launch another uprising, "a new and interesting application to release the human potential through positive reinforcement." Stubblebine and Crosby are the initiators of the project, while obviously helps with the design, strategy, funding and recruitment. Instead, obvious that the equity in their own elevation.

Levante obvious and are not releasing details about the application - which is in private Alpha - but evident as the company first has to meet high expectations. Lift has a team of stars, and the support of Twitter co-founders will give you an immediate audience.

Lift may be the first boot Corporation obvious, but not the last. Williams, stone, and Goldman has just begun.