
Haynes Manuals Coming Online

The iconic Haynes Manuals, the encyclopedic volume that contains all knowledge of any mechanical tinkering under the tree needs to repair his car, is finally available in digital form. Haynes called MOL (online manual), the house mechanical products are given the same information in confidence have been waiting for manual printing of more than 50 years. The manuals have been a mainstay in his garage, which contains hundreds of images and step by step instructions. To show the readers to do everything from a simple oil change to replace a power steering pump.

Haynes Manuals are a form of empowerment for car owners to save money and learn a lot about internal combustion engines, and to maintain and repair their own vehicles - like the writer did throughout college with the help several manuals Haynes and a series of pots.

The company has never published on-line auto repair manuals, but has now begun to demonstrate an electronic version of the manuals to major retailers Auto Repair in the United States.

So why now online manuals? As a result, Haynes acquired Vivid Holding BV digital shop three years ago, and online book represents a collaboration between Haynes and Vivid editorial crew.

MOL Haynes begin its implementation with the 50 most popular titles Haynes, who will be available by subscription in the fall of 2011. The Ministries of Labor also will be compressed and mobile use. As implementation continues, more titles will be added. Sales manual printing will also continue.

Obama hands military new cyber war guidelines

President Obama has signed executive orders that put the extent to which military commanders around the world can go in the use of cyber attacks and other computer operations against the enemy, and as part of routine intelligence from other countries.

The detail of the military orders must obtain presidential approval for a specific cyber assault on an enemy and the ability to weave cyber U.S. strategy in the struggle against war, defense officials and experts said cyber security The Associated Press.

Signed more than a month, orders cover a two-year effort by the Pentagon to draft standards in the U.S. the road to cyber warfare, and come as the U.S. begin working with allies in the global rules of the game.

Google hits record with 1 billion site visitors in May

One billion people worldwide visited Google in May, the first time a site has attracted many visitors in a month, according to ComScore.
The number of unique visitors to Google's sites rose 8.4 percent from 931 million a year ago to just over one billion - 1, 009.699 million to be exact.
Worldwide, the market researcher ComScore said yesterday, Google had its highest number in India and South Africa, which accounted for 14.3 percent and 13.5 percent of visitors respectively. The lowest figures were in South Korea and China, which accounted for 0.7 percent and 0.8 percent of total visitors from around the world, respectively.

Microsoft took the No. 2 spot with 905 million visitors last month, 15 percent from the previous year, according to ComScore. Facebook ranked third with 714 million visitors, up 30 percent from a year ago. Yahoo came in fourth with 689 million visitors, an increase of 10.8 percent over the previous year. Until last October, Yahoo had held third place, but since then Facebook has surpassed every month with the highest number of visitors.
Although Google captured the majority of visitors last month, users collectively spent more time on Facebook - 250 million minutes in May, compared to 200 billion minutes on Google and $ 204 million to Microsoft.