
Internetaddiction - Persons deprived of the internet feel "uncomfortable and lonely" and find online by going as hard as quitting smoking or drinking

Most people feel uncomfortable and only when they are deprived of access to the Internet, according to consumer research. A new study has revealed that 53 percent are bothered when they are denied access and 40 percent are lonely, if they can not go online. The research found that people experience these feelings, even if denied access online for a short time. Most people feel "lonely and upset" when deprived of the internet
The study was carried out by Intersperience consumer research firm, which surveyed more than 1,000 people.

Participants were questioned about their attitudes toward the use of the Internet, smartphones and other devices, and even asked to go 24 hours without access to Internet technology.
Giving up all the technology that enables Web access was described by some participants as similar to stop drinking or smoking.

One respondent said that even deprivation of the Internet was "like having your hand cut off.
Paul Hudson, chief executive of Intersperience told the Daily Telegraph: "Online technology and digital is increasingly widespread, influencing our friendship, the way we communicate, the fabric of our family life, our work lives, our habits of purchase, and with organizations.
Earlier this year, scientists revealed that the gadgets are an important part of our lives that suffer withdrawal symptoms like a drug addict who can not get a solution.
Researchers at the University of Maryland convinced hundreds of students from 12 schools around the world agree not to use technological devices such as television and radio for 24 hours.
The volunteers had to stay away from all the emails, text messages, updates on Facebook and Twitter. They were deprived of even the newspapers.
All they could have access to a landline and books. Next, the students kept diaries of their feelings during their period of "deprivation of information."
The scientists reported that volunteers were told of physical and physiological symptoms similar to those addicts trying to quit smoking or drugs.
These included feel restless, anxiety and isolation, and reaching your mobile phone, which was not there.
Some participants in the experiment - called Unplugged - said they felt as if they had been subjected to "Cold Turkey" to break a habit of hard drugs, while others said they felt like being on a diet.

Angry Birds Maker Sued for Patent Violation

Rovio, maker of the hit game platform angry birds, is being sued by U.S. company for Lodsys violations of patents, reports Telegraph. Lodsys states that the Finnish company violated its patents covering methods for the purchase of new levels within the game Angry Birds. The European patent system requires that software inventions have some physical effect of patentability, while the U.S. patent system is looser, allowing software patents only based on the idea.

According to the Telegraph, a number of European games developers have given up their games to launch in the U.S., and some are considering withdrawing the games market in the U.S. because the claims of the patent Lodsys.

Angry Birds is downloaded more than 1 million times per day. Originally a mobile game, which quickly spread to many platforms, including browsers and consoles, and its success has led to even consider Rovio an initial public offering.

Mozilla building mobile OS

Mozilla today released preliminary plans to take the Gecko engine that powers the Firefox browser and turn it into an open-source operating system that will eventually work the phones and tablets. Called Boot Gecko is known that the source code is released to the public "in real time," wrote Andreas Gal, a researcher at Mozilla. Gecko is the rendering engine that powers Firefox and Thunderbird email client. By contrast, while Google's Android operating system open source mobile, the main development work that may not be available until after Google has a green light for publication - sometimes not until months later.

"We will do this work outdoors, will be released the source in real time, we will take all additions successfully to a group of appropriate standards, and will track the changes arising from that process. We're not trying to have these quality native applications only run on Firefox, we are trying to run on the Web, "Gal said in a message in the forum. Mike Shaver, Mozilla vice president of technical strategy, said Start the Gecko applications will not use the Android SDK, but run new and existing web applications API
We also identified four areas of development. One is a new Web API, which means the construction of "prototype device API exposure and the ability to use the content." This is how the current operating system that supports key features such as mobile phones, SMS, camera, USB, Bluetooth, and near-field records. A second area of ​​development is to build a privilege model, which is a key feature of security to ensure that new features are "exposed to security pages and applications," he said.
Boot Gecko include a low-level code for Android kernel and driver support for devices that can work on Android. This does not exist, and the move to a new system could be extremely difficult. Then there is the final area of ​​development - the applications. The idea behind starting Gecko is to create a Web native applications can run as well as native applications to do at the IOS device.