
Plan your next trip with the new flight schedule feature

As summer approaches, you may be considering taking a vacation. One of the first things you can do is go online and start looking for flights. In fact, the flight search is one of the most popular online activities, so to make it a little easier to find the search results related to travel, you can now see a quick summary of information law flight results page.

Check flight schedules on a route
If you have a particular destination in mind, you can now quickly find the airlines that serve the specific route they fly. For example, if you search for [flight from San Francisco to Minneapolis], you can find a selection of non-stop flights and companies that offer them. For a complete schedule, click on "List of non-stop flights."

Explore all destinations from an airport
You can also see all the destinations with nonstop flights from an airport. If you are in Buffalo, New York and need ideas for a weekend getaway, search for [cheap buffalo] to see the popular travel destinations in Buffalo. Clicking on "Show all non-stop routes, can get the complete list of destinations and from there you can click for more details of your flight.

This is currently available in 10 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Catalan.

With the closing of the acquisition ITA last month, we are eager to begin developing new flight search tools to make it easier for you to plan a trip. While this test flight times do not currently use ATI technology of search, this is just a small step towards richer information making travel easier to find, and we hope to help you search for flights online feel so easy, you feel like ... well, a vacation!