
AOL Launches Editions

AOL has released 'issue', a news reading application for the iPad social, owners of furniture device with another way to get your dose of news. As precursors and Zite Flipboard, Ediciones data strip their social networks (in this case, Facebook and Twitter) to help deliver a personalized news service in a magazine-style format. As with Zite, users can improve performance simply by reading, the application will learn what the issues and sources of readers tend to gravitate towards. You can teach the application by identifying the sources they like and dislike, and keywords that are and are not interested in, both in the configuration panel and when they wake up individual items.

The items are rendered in a browser application, which means that all the original ads and the format is shown - and it often takes a while to load. (It seems that AOL noted earlier misstep Zite in this department.) Readers can share articles via Facebook, Twitter and email, and bookmark stories for later reading.

This is pretty standard. Also, several steps behind their competitors. Flipboard, for example, allows users to pull the feeding of several additional social networks - including LinkedIn, Instagram in your RSS reader. It also allows users to search through all items in the application.

But there's more. AOL Editions in other applications improved social news reading, and playing habits of traditional newspaper readers and readers of IPAD.

On the one hand, provides a more holistic approach, organized source of news. Instead of just throwing my interests, which leaves me with a mixture of media, technology, fashion news and little else, to pass through the Top News section to collect the headlines of major in all sections of the last 24 hours.

Similarly, you can visit the local news section to get an idea of ​​what is happening in my neighborhood. That part is a welcome supplement because I, like many others, no longer subscribe to a local newspaper.