
Skype Outage

Many users of Skype messaging and VoIP services are now in solitary confinement after the service was reduced for many users, with the cut in many cases, making Skype software to crash.

The company has released a solution that should allow customers to get back online crash, and plans to have an easier solution "soon", but so far has no explanation for the problems. Many users still complain of difficulties in Twitter, with occasional reports of problems, even after taking corrective action.

Skype recommended solution does not work for everyone
Most users seem to be affected, however, with about 26 million currently online.

Some wags are blaming the cuts on Microsoft's recently announced purchase of the company, but that simply is not true, the agreement is pending regulatory approval, and for the moment, businesses remain independent.

The problem, however, again raise questions about the desirability of acquiring Microsoft. Skype technology depends largely on point to point connectivity. This allowed to handle Skype at tens of millions of users simultaneously without having to invest in server capacity substantially. However, this also makes the service vulnerable to the problems that a more conventional client / server architecture as used by Messenger and Microsoft's own services would be immune Lync a. If a large number of Skype customers offline, either due to the mass, because Windows Update restarts or crashes due to widespread failures throughout the network client can fail.